Here’s a scary way to put the rise of big data into perspective. Look at these facts from the hosting tribunal – more data was generated in the last two years than ever before in human history. Google averages 1.2 trillion searches annually. Smart devices produce five quintillion bytes of data each day. And we haven’t even touched on Facebook, YouTube and smartphones.

So, how does an organization gather all this valuable data and tame it? Here are the top 7 ways Clear Technologies can simplify data storage to make data work for every size of business:


Raw data really doesn’t need to be accessed much. On the rare occasions when it does, raw data will cost more than usual to access, but it’s offset by low storage costs. However, when manipulating raw data, it is always best to manipulate a copy.


For on-site storage, a flash array is the way to go. Hard disks have lots of moving parts which can break down or scratch the disk. There are also latency issues that slow down processing speeds. With no moving components, flash arrays are much more durable.

Flash arrays feature high data mobility speeds with microsecond latency. When using the NVMe protocol with flash arrays, storage area networks (SANs) now support thousands of parallel command queues, further bolstering high speeds.


When storage infrastructure is in the cloud, companies not only gain floor space, they’ll save money by having less hardware and being able to eliminate the maintenance costs associated with storage servers.

IT staff can focus on projects that generate dollars, as upgrades are done automatically. Additionally, cloud data centers provide enterprise-level security no matter how big or small an organization is.


It’s a proven point, human beings respond much faster to visual data. According to Email Audience, the human brain processes images in 13-150 milliseconds, while the time to process 25 words takes 3.75-7.5 seconds. So, a simple chart, graph, or infographic can in essence convey just as much information in a much faster amount of time than the printed word.

When stored data is visualized, noise is removed from the equation and relevant, useful information is brought to the forefront. This allows for a much better understanding of the data, and a much clear interpretation of what needs to be done for the benefit of business.


Remember at the beginning of this blog when we talked about how fast big data is growing? Big data sets are now too large to comb through manually. By automating a storage array, tasks are automatically performed that could easily take up days of manual labor. Automation tools also validate and repair data in real time, helping to ensure that data is qualitative, precise, and healthy.


Any time a data set is manipulated, it’s essential to ensure that all versions are saved. Version control will capture all versions of data and store them in cloud storage, providing a singular history of the data and Machine Leaning modules that have been run.

Version control also makes it easy to switch between different data sets for comparison. Managers can then see how a data file has changed over time, as well as records of who had made the changes to the file.


Metadata works just like metatags. Record metadata to describe how data was collected, formatted, and organized. This will make it easier to find data sets when they’re needed at another time. This becomes essential for maintaining historical records of long-term data sets. Recording metadata also extends the longevity of data by countering data entropy and degradation.


Contact Clear Technologies to begin the process of examining your storage infrastructure. We’ll work with you to design and implement a storage solution that will bring speed and clarity to your data sets and analysis.

Get more details on how to prepare for your storage journey by Requesting a Readiness Assessment with Clear Tech.