QHA – PowerHA Cluster Status Utility

Copy and paste the following script in your path somewhere and make it executable.  The following flags are valid and explained below. I personally use qha -nev the most.

qha version 9.06
Usage: qha [-n] [-N] [-v] [-l] [-e] [-m] [-1] [-c]
-n displays network interfaces
-N displays network interfaces + non IP heartbeat disk
-v shows online VGs
-l logs entries to /tmp/qha.out
-e shows running event
-m shows appmon status
-1 single interation
-c shows CAA SAN/Disk Status (AIX7.1 TL3 min.)

# Purpose: Provides an alternative to SNMP monitoring for PowerHA/HACMP (clinfo and clstat).
# Designed to be run within the cluster, not remotely. See next point!
# Can be customised to run remotely and monitor multiple clusters!
# Version: 9.06
# Updates for PowerHA version 7.1
# Authors: 1. Alex Abderrazag IBM UK
# # 2. Bill Miller IBM US
# Additions since 8.14.
# qha can be freely distributed. If you have any questions or would like to see any enhancements/updates, please email abderra@uk.ibm.com

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities
VERSION=`lslpp -L |grep -i cluster.es.server.rte |awk '{print $2}'| sed 's/\.//g'`
CLUSTER=`odmget HACMPcluster | grep -v node |grep name | awk '{print $3}' |sed "s:\"::g"`
# clrsh dir in v7 must be /usr/sbin in previous version's it's /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities.
# Don't forget also that the rhost file for >v7 is /etc/cluster/rhosts
if [[ `lslpp -L |grep -i cluster.es.server.rte |awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1` -ge 7 ]]; then
HACMPOUT=`/usr/bin/odmget -q name="hacmp.out" HACMPlogs | fgrep value | sed 's/.*=\ "\(.*\)"$/\1\/hacmp.out/'`
usage() {
echo "qha version 9.06"
echo "Usage: qha [-n] [-N] [-v] [-l] [-e] [-m] [-1] [-c]"
echo "\t\t-n displays network interfaces\n\t\t-N displays network \
interfaces + nonIP heartbeat disk\n\t\t-v shows online VGs\n\t\t-l logs entries to \
/tmp/qha.out\n\t\t-e shows running event\n\t\t-m shows appmon status\n\t\t-1 \
single interation\n\t\t-c shows CAA SAN/Disk Status (AIX7.1 TL3 min.)"

function adapters {
cat $ADFILE | while read line
    en[i]=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
    name[i]=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
    if [ i -eq 1 ]; then
      printf " ${en[1]} ";
    if [[ ${en[i]} = ${en[j]} ]]; then
        printf "${name[i]} "
        printf "\n${en[i]} ${name[i]} "
let i=i+1
let j=i-1
if [ $HBOD = "TRUE" ]; then # Code for v6 and below only. To be deleted soon.
    # Process Heartbeat on Disk networks (Bill Millers code)
    VER=`echo $VERSION | cut -c 1`
    if [[ $VER = "7" ]]; then
        print "[HBOD option not supported]" >> $OUTFILE
    HBODs=$($COMMcmd $HANODE "$UTILDIR/cllsif" | grep diskhb | grep -w $HANODE | awk '{print $8}')
    for i in $(print $HBODs)
        APVID=$($COMMcmd $HANODE "lspv" | grep -w $i | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 13-)
        AHBOD=$($COMMcmd $HANODE lssrc -ls topsvcs | grep -w r$i | awk '{print $4}')
        if [ $AHBOD ]
            printf "\n\t%-13s %-10s" $i"("$APVID")" [activeHBOD]
            printf "\n\t%-13s %-10s" $i [inactiveHBOD]
function work {
HANODE=$1; CNT=$2 NET=$3 VGP=$4
#clrsh $HANODE date > /dev/null 2>&1 || ping -w 1 -c1 $HANODE > /dev/null 2>&1
$COMMcmd $HANODE date > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    CLSTRMGR=`$COMMcmd $HANODE lssrc -ls clstrmgrES | grep -i state | sed 's/Current state: //g'`
    if [[ $CLSTRMGR != ST_STABLE && $CLSTRMGR != ST_INIT && $SHOWEVENT = TRUE ]]; then
        EVENT=$($COMMcmd $HANODE cat $HACMPOUT | grep "EVENT START" |tail -1 | awk '{print $6}')
                  printf "\n%-8s %-7s %-15s\n" $HANODE iState: "$CLSTRMGR [$EVENT]"
        printf "\n%-8s %-7s %-15s\n" $HANODE iState: "$CLSTRMGR"
    $UTILDIR/clfindres -s 2>/dev/null |grep -v OFFLINE | while read A
        if [[ "`echo $A | awk -F: '{print $3}'`" == "$HANODE" ]]; then
            echo $A | awk -F: '{printf " %-18.16s %-10.12s %-1.20s", $1, $2, $9}'
            if [ $APPMONSTAT = "TRUE" ]; then
                RG=`echo $A | awk -F':' '{print $1}'`
                APPMON=`$UTILDIR/clRGinfo -m | grep -p $RG | grep "ONLINE" | awk 'NR>1 {print $1" "$2}'`
                print "($APPMON)"
                print ""
    if [ $CAA = "TRUE" ]; then
        IP_Comm_method=`odmget HACMPcluster | grep heartbeattype | awk -F'"' '{print $2}'`
        case $IP_Comm_method in
            C) # we're multicasting
                printf " CAA Multicasting:"
                $COMMcmd $HANODE lscluster -m | grep en[0-9] | awk '{printf " ("$1" "$2")"}'
                echo ""
            U) # we're unicasting
                printf " CAA Unicasting:"
                $COMMcmd $HANODE lscluster -m | grep tcpsock | awk '{printf " ("$2" "$3" "$5")"}'
                echo ""
        SAN_COMMS_STATUS=$(/usr/lib/cluster/clras sancomm_status | egrep -v "(--|UUID)" | awk -F'|' '{print $4}' | sed 's/ //g')
        DP_COMM_STATUS=$(/usr/lib/cluster/clras dpcomm_status | grep $HANODE | awk -F'|' '{print $4}' | sed 's/ //g')
        print " CAA SAN Comms: $SAN_COMMS_STATUS | DISK Comms: $DP_COMM_STATUS"
    if [ $NET = "TRUE" ]; then
        $COMMcmd $HANODE netstat -i | egrep -v "(Name|link|lo)" | awk '{print $1" "$4" "}' > $ADFILE
        adapters; printf "\n- "
    if [ $VGP = "TRUE" ]; then
        VGO=`$COMMcmd $HANODE "lsvg -o |fgrep -v caavg_private |fgrep -v rootvg |lsvg -pi 2> /dev/null" |awk '{printf $1")"}' |sed 's:)PV_NAME)hdisk::g' | sed 's/:/(/g' |sed 's:):) :g' |sed 's: hdisk:(:g' 2> /dev/null`
        if [ $NET = "TRUE" ]; then
              echo "$VGO-"
            echo "- $VGO-"
        ping -w 1 -c1 $HANODE > /dev/null 2>&1
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "\nPing to $HANODE good, but can't get the status. Check clcomdES."
            echo "\n$HANODE not responding, check network availability."

# Main
# Get Vars
while getopts :nNvlem1c ARGs
   case $ARGs in
        n) # -n show interface info
        N) # -N show interface info and activeHBOD
            NETWORK="TRUE"; HBOD="TRUE";;
        v) # -v show ONLINE VG info
        l) # -l log to /tmp/qha.out
        e) # -e show running events if cluster is unstable
        m) # -m show status of monitor app servers if present
        1) # -1 exit after first iteration
        c) # CAA SAN / DISK Comms
        \?) printf "\nNot a valid option\n\n" ; usage ; exit ;;
trap "rm $OUTFILE; exit 0" 1 2 12 9 15
while true
    print "\\033[H\\033[2J\t\tCluster: $CLUSTER ($VERSION)" > $OUTFILE
    echo "\t\t$(date +%T" "%d%b%y)" >> $OUTFILE
    if [[ $REMOTE = "TRUE" ]]; then
        Fstr=`cat $CLHOSTS |grep -v "^#"`
        Fstr=`odmget HACMPnode |grep name |sort -u | awk '{print $3}' |sed "s:\"::g"`
    for MAC in `echo $Fstr`
        let COUNT=COUNT+1
        work $MAC $COUNT $NETWORK $VG $HBOD
    done >> $OUTFILE
    cat $OUTFILE
    if [ $LOG = "TRUE" ]; then
        wLINE=$(cat $OUTFILE |sed s'/^.*Cluster://g' | awk '{print " "$0}' |tr -s
        '[:space:]' '[ *]' | awk '{print $0}')
        wLINE_three=$(echo $wLINE | awk '{for(i=4;i<=NF;++i) printf("%s ", $i) }')
        if [[ ! "$OO" = "$wLINE_three" ]]; then
            # Note, there's been a state change, so write to the log
            # Alternatively, do something addtional, for example: send an snmp trap
            alert, using the snmptrap command. For example:
            # snmptrap -c <community> -h <anmp agent> -m "appropriate message"
            echo "$wLINE" >> $LOGGING
    if [[ $STOP -eq 1 ]]; then
sleep $REFRESH

S1024 Install Lessons Learned – VMI, HMC ML1030, Hypervisor Overhead

Following are some lessons learned during a recent S1024 system install.

Virtual Management IP (VMI)

This is new in HMC V10R1M1020. Since this is the only system our new 7063-CR2 HMC will manage we ran a direct cable connection straight from our designated private port on the HMC to the top/first eBMC port on the back of the S1024 as shown in pic below.  Though not completely relevant if it is direct or switch attached or not it’s just more of an FYI of our environment.

Upon connecting, the HMC DHCP server successfully assigned an IP address. The output shown below is after initial connection. Notice, which actually took me a minute to get my attention, that the numbers on the end are the DHCP IP address it was assigned.

We entered the HMC password to get it to authenticate and showed the system in standby node as normal. However, shortly thereafter it showed “No Connection”.  Wait, what? Why? When the mouse went over the message the pop-up of “Virtual management interface IP is not configured” is shown. Of course it is, right? Wrong!

So what is the VMI? Well that’s a great question. My personal goto, the redbooks, on P10 Scale Out systems only mentions this:

Well that’s only partially informative of what it is, and doesn’t show how to configure it.  Upon further searching with the HMC level of 1020 I found Hari’s blog explaining the new features  and one of them is the VMI.

His blog entry is here:


It’s quite good at explaining what it is, yet still doesn’t tell where/how to set it.

Ok, time to search the HMC itself. When utilizing the search in M1020 nothing comes back. When doing so in M1030 the following info, in pic below, is shown. Which again tells about the options but not WHERE to set it.

So, I just break down and start looking around manually and FINALLY found it.  Now the GUI  does differ a bit between M1020 and M1030 and I provide pics of both.  The short of it is, it is located under System actions.

In M1020 select the system and then in top left, System Actions->Operations->VMI Configuration as shown in pic below left:


In M1030, pic above right, select the system and then in top right expand the “Systems actions” tab and scroll down “Connection and Operations” and click on “VMI connection”.

Once selected you are then displayed with the following screen that will show for both ports.


We choose the eth0 port, action, and set it as type “dynamic”. Though it does default to static as shown below:

Once completed it ultimately resolved our “No Connection” problem.

After originally posting this article, Andrey Klyachkin shared via Twitter the following link to fantastic EBMC videos.


The one on the top 3 things, includes the VMI and it is here.


Hypervisor Overhead

This brand new 9105-42A system with 24 cores/1TB memory/EMX0 expansion unit has consumed over 14.5GB in overhead before configuring a single partition. That seems like a lot from the start. The system also consists of following adapters:

  • (4) EC2U 25/10 Gb NIC & RoCE SFP28 Adapters (SR-IOV capable)
  • (4) EN1A 32Gb 2-port Fiber Channel PCIe3 Adapters
  • (1) EN1C 16Gb 4-port Fiber Channel PCIe3 Adapter
  • (1) EJ10 SAS 6Gb 4-Port PCIe3 Adapter
  • (1) EJ2A Expansion I/O drawer Adapter

Upon further review, testing, and feedback from support line we have surmised the following.  Support previously informed us via another customer of “the two SRIOV adapters in shared mode use 5.25g”.  Enabling the EC2U adapters from dedicated to shared mode had NO effect on the overhead. There appears no way to get that overhead back. This at a rate of ~ 2.6GB per card.  Since we know there is about 5.25GB for two cards, and this environment has four of those cards, that explains ~10.5GB of the overhead from the very beginning. There is also another 1.25GB required for the VMI “hidden partition”. The DMA for the card slots is another ~2GB (not including expansion drawer, if applicable). That explains almost all of the reserved overhead.  Like or it not, that does work out about right.

So how would’ve we known this? Use the System Planning Tool (SPT). We did that. It’s all over the map. It says with our hardware config and with ONLY the two VIOS configured it would use 87.5GB. WHAT?! No way. Oh wait, it defaults to firmware memory mirror enabled, turned that off and now shows 42.5GB without any other LPARs built out. Once filling in all the LPAR sizes it comes back with ~63GB.

For comparison, in our real environment we configured all 21 lpars, with NPIV, VNIC, some VSCSI and used 43GB as shown in pic below.

That is a delta of almost 50%. But I suspect it’s better to estimate an overage than a shortage.  But still not particularly close.

1030.01(030) System Firmware

This new S1024 came preinstalled with fw1020.10 (85) as shown below.

A newer version, 1030.01(030) is already available so of course we want to implement the latest and greatest.

Following below is the special instructions that come with the updated firmware level. It is important and yet only partially helpful. I’ll explain why as I learned, well relearned I suppose is more correct, the hard way.

First off it says, “Concurrent Service Pack”. This normally implies it is non-disruptive, that is absolutely not the case. As shown in the following preview screen before installing it clearly says it’s disruptive.

Secondly because of a known issue it says you must install it twice consecutively, which is completely correct. As the level shown after the first install follows below you can see the install and activated levels differ.

What is not explicitly called out in the special instructions that the HMC version must be a minimum of V10R2M1030.  The “Check Readiness” prior to performing a firmware update has nothing to do with checking the target level at all, it’s doesn’t even know what you are going to update to just if the system is in a state of Ready to perform an update. You can still install the firmware update the first time, to complete it and then lose access to the managed system with the dreaded “Version Mismatch” message as shown below:

Though we already had plans to updating HMC to latest and greatest we weren’t planning on doing so right this minute, but that has changed. Note, it’s not an update, it’s an upgrade, so it too is completely disruptive. But upgrading to V10R2M1030 did indeed resolve the mismatch.

Upon further review, thanks Tsvetan Marinov for the reminder, the HMC M1030 requirement is clearly covered in the 01ML1030_026_026.html  file. But for reasons I can’t explain why we didn’t get that file in our download as shown below.

Contents of that html file can also be found here. The main bit about the HMC version required is seen below:

A long history of experience means I should’ve known better. But those new to it, may not know at all.

Clone a PowerHA node from another

First, this is NOT, an officially supported process so use at your own risk.

Backstory. I had a customer that corrupted their rootvg contents on their standby node after loading some additional packages and application updates. Trying to remove corrupted some libraries. Unfortunately they did not clone or create a mksysb prior to performing these actions. So we created a clone from their primary PowerHA node.

Also know that prior to creating the clone, you can either enable the ghostdev parameter or use the “-O” flag when creating the clone to make it forget about things like hostname,ip, vgs, etc as shown in the video

Note in this case the standby node was still up and running we just needed to get back to a known good state prior to the changes. So we added a new lun to prod, cloned to it, then moved the disk over to the standby and changed the bootlist to it. IF it wasn’t available this procedure would have involved an SMS boot to choose the new cloned boot disk.

Now not shown is also the potential cleanup/changes needed to made on the standby that we don’t want from prod. For example, cronjobs may need to be disabled. There may also be other misc cleanup but the primary focus here was getting the cluster functional again.

So our procedure consisted of the following:

  1. Allocate new lun to prod and run cfgmgr
  2. Create clone to new lun via “alt_disk_copy -B -d hdisk# -O
  3. Wake up clone via “alt_rootvg_op -W -d hdisk#
  4. Remove all entries in /etc/filesystems other than rootvg
  5. Put clone back to sleep via “alt_rootvg_op -S -d hdisk#
  6. Remove cloned vg via “alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg
  7. Remove disk from prod via “rmdev -dl hdisk#
  8. Unallocate lun from prod and over to standby and run “cfgmgr” on standby
  9. Change bootlist to boot from the newly added disk via “bootlist -m normal newhdisk# currentrootvghdisk#
  10. Reboot standby via “shutdown -Fr
  11. Recreate hostname, IP, subnet mask via either ifconfig or smitty mktcpip
  12. Run clusterconf to import and activate CAA  via “clusterconf -r reposhdisk#
  13. Import shared vg via “importvg -y vgname -V major# -n hdisk#
  14. Sync cluster from prod node via “clmgr sync cluster
  15. Assuming no errors, restart standby node into cluster via “clmgr start node

Check out the following video showing these procedures.

Disabling telnet in AIX or VIOS

Disabling telnet, and ftp for that matter,  is a very common procedure because of their inherit security flaw(s).

In a nutshell it requires commenting them out in /etc/services by putting a # in front of the corresponding line.

Then update inetd by running refresh -s inetd.

So I put together this quick little video to demonstrate. In this one it happens to be on a VIOS.

JVM memory bug in HMC V9R2M950

We had a customer run into this bug. Their HMC has 7 POWER9 Managed systems and 150 LPARs with Simplified Remote Restart enabled. This is resulting in rebooting the HMC about every 10 days while on Details below came from the following link. So always check the link for updated information.



Navigating the HMC Enhanced UI can result in the page displaying the following messages:

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /ui/sfp/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server


The HMC Enhanced UI becomes unusable soon after a reboot of the HMC with only a few hours or a few days of run time.  Managing virtual i/o servers, partitions and managed systems becomes impossible once the “Proxy Error” is returned.

Typically, the symptom is reported after upgrading an existing HMC to V9R2M950 and the problems begin. However, any scratch install or new install of V9R2M950 can exhibit the same problems.

Other related SRCs can also report on the HMC:

E212E116: exceeded the number of threads
E332FFFF: Java dump posted
E23D040C: [*PCERROR-D] core dump of a process
E23D0503: core dump of a process
E3D46FFF: call home exception


The core JVM is running out of memory due to the enablement of the Simplified Remote Restart capability for some or all partitions.  The more managed systems being managed and the more partitions with the feature enabled the faster the JVM runs out of memory.


Virtual Appliance for x86
Virtual Appliance for ppc
HMC Version 9 Release 2 M950

Diagnosing The Problem

Anytime the “Proxy Error” is returned at V9R2M950 after some uptime following a reboot of the HMC confirms this problem as the issue.

Resolving The Problem

The workaround is to reboot the HMC whenever the “Proxy Error” is received, providing relief for some time until the JVM runs out of memory again.  Disabling Simplified Remote Restart across the entire customer environment is another workaround to avoid the reboots.

Reinstalling the HMC will not resolve the cause of the problem.

An official fix is being developed to provide on fix central for this issue in a February 2021 PTF.

7063-CR1 HMC Loses date after power outage

This is a weird one that we ran into here at Clear Technologies.


Customer had planned prolonged power outage and after restoring power and booting the system it had lost it’s date. It is very rare because it can only occur on certain days of the year, roughly 6 of them when power is turned off at the end of one month and turned back on the next month, even if that’s just a couple hours apart. Truly a rare encounter for sure. Below is more details and fix to the problem.




VIOS 3.1x upgrade issues

There is a known problem after upgrading your VIOS using the viosupgrade tool. IF your media repository resides on rootvg, which is often the case, it will no longer exist post upgrade. So you can either move it to non-rootvg disks, or save off/copy it’s contents elsewhere and recreate it after the upgrade. I did find additional details on this and it is available at:


There is another lessor known issue when upgrading and utilizing SEA and VLAN tagging.

Details are here:  https://theibmi.org/2020/07/16/new-vios-releases-affect-the-shared-ethernet-adapter-sea-functionality/